I am trying to get back into the swing of things. The last few days in Chicago were brutal...mom's basement flooded and the little kitchen apartment suffered the most damage. Mold ran rampant (she couldn't get down the stairs, good thing!) So, my kids and I ran around a lot (her fridge also bit the dust, got a new one delivered and then restocked it as she lost all her food, too!) I have a friend who works as a Visiting Angel and he's going to be looking out for mom until - if (big if) - I can get her to move here. So, sorry to be so long-winded, but I'm just plum worn out and haven't really been able to do much art. I find myself just thumbing through papers and images, and doing it again, much to my dismay! Made myself do this arch. Hope I snap out of this tiredness! But, that's what happens when you get old...the spirit is willing, but the body, oy va!