It has been a while since I've been here. My right hand has given me problems since surgery. I finally called the surgeon's office for a script to occupational therapy. My hand has gone through the "wringer", I guess, or is it old age? Hmm...debatable. Anyway, significant swelling and a lot of pain throughout the whole hand, especially the knife edge of hand down into the wrist. If I make a sweeping motion (like to sweep crumbs off the table), forget it, the pain feels like I've sprained it. She's not sure why, unless it's nerve damage. So, I have 3 new exercises to add to 3 I've been doing, was doing the massage of the bump from trigger release all wrong (never told how to do it)..but big problem is I can't write more than 25 words or so before I have to quit. So art making is slow going. Even using the mouse is painful. But, I have made some things. My Moustache is a simple schmooch of gesso, once dried, I colored with Lyra aquacolor crayons and went over them with a slightly wet brush. I'm trying!